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Amps,Watts,Ohms,Volts explained

Ground –

Electrical grounding, otherwise known as earthing, primarily provides a measure of safety against electric shocks by acting as a safety line to redirect electric current in the event of short circuits. For household appliances, this is accomplished by a three-pronged electrical outlet with a dedicated grounding prong.,with%20a%20dedicated%20grounding%20prong.

Amperage –

measurement of the amount of flow in an electrical current; shorten to “amp”; named in honor of Andre’-Marie Ampere (1775-1836) for his early work in the field of electrodynamics.

Wire Gauges and Uses

Wire Use Rated Ampacity Wire Gauge
Low-voltage Lighting and Lamp Cords 10 Amps 18 Gauge
Extension Cords 13 Amps 16 Gauge
Light Fixtures, Lamps, Lighting Runs 15 Amps 14 Gauge
Receptacles, 110-volt Air Conditioners, Sump Pumps, Kitchen Appliances 20 Amps 12 Gauge
Electric Clothes Dryers, 220-volt Window Air Conditioners, Built-in Ovens, Electric Water Heaters 30 Amps 10 Gauge
Cook Tops 45 Amps 8 Gauge
Electric Furnaces, Large Electric Heaters 60 Amps 6 Gauge
Electric Furnaces, Large Electric Water Heaters, Sub Panels 80 Amps 4 Gauge
Service Panels, Sub Panels 100 Amps 2 Gauge
Service Entrance 150 Amps 1/0 Gauge
Service Entrance 200 Amps 2/0 Gauge


in electrical generation; a measure of the force of electrical current; named after the scientist who perfected the dry cell battery in 1800, Alessandro Volta.
The standard voltage for electrical wiring systems is 240 volts. However, it is not simply a single wire feeding all that voltage in a single stream at 240 volts. Wiring systems are split so that there are two wires, each delivering 120 volts. These are used in a cyclic variation, giving what is known as an alternating current, or in tandem, to supply 240 volts to high-energy appliances such as tumble dryers.Read more:



Basic Light Switch Diagram

3 way switch

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